Sentient Mentality

I think because I think I can

So hey,  those who know me know that I’ve taken a keen interest in the kitchen over the past few years.  Its led to recognition of my passion and while my first publication here isn’t wholly indicative of my tastes and daily cooking adventures, it is a sample that I’d really like to share with you.

Just in time for the holidays, I’m offering, to you, my first of hopefully many cookbooks to come.  Check it out here:


DIY Tasty Gift Ideas Cookbook at

My first offering gives you 10 great ideas for stocking stuffers or fun little gifts to bring to a friends place for dinner. Inside, you’ll find 3 soup mixes, 3 spice mixes, and 3 snack options and a bonus hot chocolate mix that I really, really  enjoyed crafting.  These are fun to make, great for lazy cooking moments, and practical gifts for the non-chefs in the house or campers in the family.  You might even just want to keep these around the house for yourself.   Check it out.

I’d love to hear your comments and suggestions.

Thanks for your support.

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A taste for life

So there I was, turning a blind eye to the obvious, and shoving my future down my throat.

She’s been a best friend throughout my life; comforting me at the worst of times, helping me celebrate the grand occasions.

Little did I know what too much of a good thing could do to a person.  I didn’t realize any of this because it didn’t seem plausible, but the love of my life was making me fat; giving me heartburn.

How many people consider a daily staple the focus of one’s prime reason for existence.  Could you fall in love with air?  What about sunlight?  I suppose if we knew what life was without these things, we’d appreciate them more.  All along, my other brain, (no the other one), was trying to tell me my purpose.  It was speaking through my own mouth; using my own tongue.

Sometimes, I guess, what’s already on your plate, sitting right in front of you, is the hardest thing to see.  When you’re trying to cook up all kinds of other ideas, mashing them together, chopping them apart; trying to find the perfect recipe for your life, its tough to boil it down to the simplest form.

Dearest love, I finally see you.  You and I already make a great team, but I vow to improve what we can do together.

With you there is no limit to what we can experience in life.

You nourish me, sustain me, inspire me.

Its one thing to prepare you every day, and take you in as I need to, its another altogether to give you the respect you deserve and savour your every nuance.  To share you with the world and write about what you’re capable of will be my greatest honour.

© 2014 U.Cohen